In our website we have provided NCERT/SCERT Class 10 Social Science History MCQ's to each chapter of the book so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select your needful.
Class 10 Social Science Chapter 3 Anti-British Rising and Peasant Revolts in Assam MCQ's
1 In which year did Moffat Mills came to India?
Answer: - 1853.
2 Who led the revolt of 1857 in Assam?
Answer: - Maniram Barbhandar Barua or Maniram Dewan.
3 Which Ahom King did the rebels of Assam want to reinstall on the throne in the revolt of 1857?
Answer: - Kandarpeswar Singha.
4 Who was the grandson of Ahom king Purandar Singha?
Answer:- Kandapeswar Singha.
5 Who was hanged with Maniram Dewan?
Answer: - Piyoli Barua.
6 When and where was Maniram Dewan hanged till death?
Answer: - 26th February 1858 in Jorhat jail.
7 The first peasant uprising against the British was known as__________?
Answer: - Phulaguri Dhawa.
8 In which year the incident of Phulaguri Dhawa took place?
Answer: - 1861.
9 Who was the Bengali Mukhtiyar who helped Maniram Dewan?
Answer: - Madhu Mallik.
10 Who set up a special court of justice wherein Maniram Dewan and Piyoli Barua were sentenced to be hanged to death on being found guilty of charges of conspiring against the British?
Answer: - Captain Holroyd.
11 Who was Moffat Mills?
Answer:- Chief Justice of Calcutta High Court.
12 By what name the Peasant Revolt of 24th December, 1893 was known as?
Answer: - Rangiya Raijmel.
13 Who established itself as a powerful ruler in India by the thirties and forties of the 19th century?
Answer: - The East India Company.
14 Who wrote an application to Moffat Mills in 1853?
Answer: - Anandaram Dhekiyal Phukan.
15 Which silks of Assam had a special demand in the Indian market from the time of Ahom Dynasty?
Answer: - Paat and Muga.
16 When did the British stop slavery in Assam?
Answer: - 1843.
17 Who planned to reinstate the Ahom monarchy with the grandson of former Ahom king Purandar Singha?
Answer: - Maniram Dewan.
18 Who led the peasant revolt in Assam in 19th century?
Answer: - Raij Mels.
19 In which year did the stamp duties implemented?
Answer: - 1858.
20 In which year did the income tax implemented?
Answer: - 1860.
21 In which year did the license tax implemented?
Answer: - 1860.
22 In which year did the grazing tax implemented?
Answer: - 1860.
23 Which ethnic community led the protest at Phulguri ?
Answer: - Tiwa ethnic community.
24 Name the Assistant Commissioner who was killed in the Phulaguri peasants Revolt?
Answer: - Lieutenant Singer.
25 When did the peasant revolt of Rangia break out?
Answer: - 24th December, 1893.
26 Name the tehsildar of Rangia and Tamulpur who was humiliated by the peasants during the revolt of 1893?
Answer: - Radhanath Barua
27 Where is Lachima located?
Answer: - Bajali region of North Kamrup district.
28 When did the peasant revolt of Lachima take place?
Answer: - 1894.
29 Where is the largest Raij Mel held?
Answer: - Panagaon Sapori.
30 When did the peasant revolt of Patharughat take Place?
Answer: - 1894.
31 Who tied the case of Maniram Dewan?
Answer: - Captain Holroyd.
32 Who was declared as the king of Manipur in September 1891?
Answer: - Churachandra (Minor king).
33 Who intercepted many letters written by Maniram Dewan wherein the conspiracy against the British government was clearly mentioned?
Answer: - Principal Assistant Captain Holroyd.
34 Who arrested Kandarpeswar Singha on September 7, 1857?
Answer: - Captain Louther.
35 How much amount had Manipur to pay to the British Government as compensation for the losses incurred during the revolt?
Answer: - Rs. 2.50 lakhs.
36 When did the British completely ban the cultivation of poppy?
Answer: - 1861.
37 How many peasants died during the police firing in the Patharughat revolt unofficially?
Answer: - 140 peasants.
38 How many peasants died during the police firing in the Patharughat revolt officially?
Answer: - 15 peasants.
39 When the Jayantia kingdom came into the hands of the British from the Jayantia king Rajendra Singha?
Answer: - 1835.
40 Who led the Jayantia Revolt in 1861?
Answer: - Ukiang Nongbah.
41 Who led the revolt f the ethnic tribes of North Cachar in 1881?
Answer: - Sambhuhan Kachari.
42 Who crushed the revolt of the Angami Nagas with an iron hand?
Answer: - Colonel Johnston.
43 Who wrote Doli Puran?
Answer: - Narottam Das.
44 When Kulachandra became the king of Manipur?
Answer: - 21st September, 1890.
45 Which Chief Commissioner of Assam was killed by the Manipuris?
Answer: - J.W.Quinton.
46 Which British Officer along with his security was killed by the Nagas in 1878?
Answer: - British Officer Damante.
47 What is the centre of the North Cachar Revolt of 881-82?
Answer: - Maibang.
48 When was the Kuki force formed by the British?
Answer: - 1880.
49 Why was the Kuki force formed?
Answer: - To counter the attack on North Cachar by the Angami Nagas.
50 In which place Ukiang Nongbah was hanged to death?
Answer: - Jowai.
51 In which year Jayantia Revolt came to an end?
Answer: - 1863.
52 Who was appointed as the Deputy Commissioner of Khashi Jayantia Hills?
Answer: - B.W.Morton.
53 Where is Patharughat situated?
Answer: - In the Mangaldai circle of Darrang district.
54 Who was the Circle Officer of Mangaldai during the Patharughat Revolt?
Answer: -Mr. Ransom.
55 Who was the Circle Officer of Barpeta during the revolt of Lachima?
Answer: - Madhab Chandra Bordoloi.
56 Which Chief Commissioner of Assam increased land revenue by 100% in 1892?
Answer: -Sir William Ward.
57 Who was the Commissioner of Assam during the Phulaghuri Dhawa?
Answer: - Major Henry Hopkinson.
58 Where is Phulaghuri located?
Answer: -Near Nowgaon.
59 Which community was the native inhabitant of Phulaghuri?
Answer: - Tiwa Community.
60 What was the commercial cultivation crop of the Tiwa Community of the Phulaghuri village?
Answer: -Poppy.
61 Opium is extracted from ___________________?
Answer: - Poppy.
62 Who was the Deputy Commissioner of Nowgaon at the time of Phulaghuri Dhawa (1861)?
Answer: - Herbert Sconce.
63 Name the peasants that were given death sentence on the charge of the murder of Singer?
Answer: - Lakkhan Deka, Songbor Lalung, Rongbor Deka.
64 Where is Koliyapani situated?
Answer: - Andaman and Nicobar islands.
65 Which two communities had voluntarily participated in the Phulaghuri Dhawa?
Answer: - Lalung (Tiwa) and Kaibortta (fishing).
66 Who was the Commissioner of Assam at the time of Phulaghuri Dhawa?
Answer: - Major Henry Hopkinson.
67 Who supervises the Raij Mels?
Answer: - Gaonburah, Doloi and Gosain of the society.
68 In which districts of Assam the British imposed the excise duties?
Answer: - Kamrup, Darrang and Nowgaon.
69 After the Revolt of 1857 through which act all the powers of the East India Company were transferred to the Queen of England?
Answer: - Queen’s Proclamation of 1858.
70 In which year Maniram Dewan was appointed as Shirastadar (Revenue Book Keeper) by the British Government?
Answer: - 1828 in Jorhat.
71 Which major incident occurred in Assam in 1894?
Answer: - Patharughat peasants’ uprising and Lachima uprising.
72 During the Anti British revolt in Asam Raij Mel was a ________________?
Answer: - People’s Assembly.
73 When was the Assam Tea Company established?
Answer: - 1839.
74 When did Maniram Dewan resigned from Assam Tea Company?
Answer: - 1844.
75 When and where did Maniram Dewan set up his own tea garden?
Answer: - 1844 in Jorhat.
76 Who was the Chief Officer of Sibsagar district in 1851?
Answer: - Captain Holroyd.
77 Who, along with Maniram Dewan, refused the pension of Rs. 1000 from the British?
Answer: - Prince Kameswar Singha.
78 When did Kameswar Singha expired?
Answer: - 1851.
79 Who was the father of the Ahom prince Kameswar Singha?
Answer: - Purandar Singha.
80 When Maniram Dewan went to Calcutta?
Answer: - Early part of 1857.
81 In which special jail Kandarpeswar Singha was kept?
Answer: - Special jail in Bardhaman.
82 Till which year Kandarpeswar Singha was kept in Bardhaman jail?
Answer: - 1860.
83 Kandarpeswar Singha was given a pension of how much rupees?
Answer: - Rs. 500/- (effect from 1853)
84 When did the British established tea gardens in Upper Assam?
Answer: - Early part of 19thcentury.
85 In which years cholera and measles took an epidemic form in Upper Assam?
Answer: - 1839, 1847 and 1852.